Given the number of people who contacted me about the text of Fr. Tom McKenna’s homily at the Mass of Resurrection for Fr. Jack McKenna I have obtained a copy. He based it on his writing about the invocation of the Holy Spirit.
From the conclusion…
When all of us join together with Fr. Mike Carroll, our celebrant, in this Eucharistic prayer, we are “calling down” the life-giving Spirit of God to transform what looks like the end into a whole new beginning.
And also, when we join in the Eucharist, we’re entering into the very meaning of that word: thanks. Thanks to God, in Jesus, for all his life-giving love; thanks to the people who have brought life to the world and to each of us; and for sure thanks for Fr. Jack McKenna who all his life was a “Spirit-carrier”, a bearer of God’s mercy and healing – and of God’s plain old goodness.
So again, this time with deeper appreciation, we all call on the life-giving, transforming Spirit of God.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
V. Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created.
R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
A fitting tribute to a wonderful priest and person. We were blessed to have him touch our hearts and lives for almost four decades. As it was said at the funeral, he will live on in each one of us. For the past twenty five years he was with me at every Eucharistic celebration and in my sorrow, it gives me peace to know that he is at the heavenly banquet. I look forward to seeing those welcoming eyes that radiated the love of Jesus and beautiful smile when we are all together in the Kingdom. May he rest in peace ….