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Easter People in a Good Friday/Holy Saturday World?

A great theologian, Johannes Hoffinger, asked: “if we are Easter People, why do we so often look like people in need of an aspirin?” Can we learn to recognize our experiences of the resurrected Jesus today.

Connecting Dots: Lent, Valentine’s Day, and Systemic Change

At first glance, it may seem like quite a stretch to connect Ash Wednesday, Valentine’s Day and Systemic Change. But hear me out. Actually, it is not that hard.

Did Jesus Contradict Himself?

The editors of Commonweal caught my attention! The editorial titled “Advemt in a Time of War” I had never thought the impllications of the following…

Have Catholics Seen Such Polarization Before?

Have Catholics Seen Such Polarization Before?

There is so much polarization in our world today. And it is not just political.

Polarization is on full display at all levels of the Church today… hierarchy, clergy, laity, vowed religious.

Is this the first time in history that the Church has been so divided?

Certainly not!

Changing Our Clocks, Fast-forwards and Do-overs

Changing Our Clocks, Fast-forwards and Do-overs

Fall behind – spring ahead!

What if we could “replay” what we lost in our lives. Of course, we don’t get to replay the hours we lost.

Nor do we get to skip ahead and see our futures as we change clocks.

Can changing of clocks as a metaphor for our lives?