bolivia_menFr. Aidan Rooney writes…. After celebrating the Triduum in their respective parishes, the confreres of the missions of Bolivia were togther in Sacaba ( outside Cochabamba) for annual retreat in the “Mary Teacher of the Spiritual Life” center (

Jorge Manrique Castro, Luis Montaño Flores and David Paniagua Nova of the mission in Huallyani, Cyrille de la Barre de Nanteuil, Diego Plá Aranda and Aidan Rooney of the missions of Italaque and Mocomoco shared five days of reflection and prayer on the Beatitudes and some parallels in “Evangelii Gaudium” of Pope Francis. Every conference treated these themes in the life and writings of St. Vincent. Morning Prayer, Mass and Evening Prayer framed each day. It was a marvelous experience of community life.

Thank you to Fr. David for organizing this time of grace!