Sometimes we think that saints emerge fully formed… but that is not the case. This video shows the growth of Vincent’s Vision
Our new video describes how St. Vincent’s spiritual vision evolved over the years, as he was influenced by his collaborators and by persons he encountered who were living in different forms of poverty. The video is based on the essay “Vincent de Paul in Châtillon: The birth of a new spiritual vision” by Jaime Corera, C.M.
Thank you for presenting Vincent as a saint who evolved in his thoughts. But at the foundation point of the priests and brothers, they were called to take a fourth vow which did not say “poor” but “poor of the country”. The community continued to vow itself until Vatican II when the community decided that times had changed. The country poor lived in the cities where poverty was deepest. The vow was dropped with no concern for those men, like myself, who had insisted that “rusticanorum” was not a wasted afterthought to be thrown away. What is strange is that the Vincentian community continued through all those years, vowing themselves to the farmlands but never being competent in rural ministry. Father Judge had to found another Vincentian community to respond to the rustics. I believe that if we had kept ourselves defined by the simple mode, the universities and city parishes would never have come our way. I believe that there is no going back. The vow is gone. The heart is gone. The definition is gone. I hope that the vocations are not gone. I know the poor are gathered in the cities. Vincent gave up fighting against bishops to keep the c.m.’s out of the urban environments. But the little method was meanat to speaking to the heart of simple folk. We are not what we were called to be. We redefined ourselves. Does Jeshua mind this? Does the Spirit get upset with us? NO. Vincent is gone. The challenge is for the Vincent followers to do a good job of helping the Spirit to serve the poor. Ok. well. There went the neighborhood. Thanks for the focus. Peace. Joe Sannino
Are you the Joe Sannino that was at St Mary’s in Balboa, Canal Zone? If so, this is Cathey (Ridge) Adams who lived next door & sister to Mary Ridge. Would love to hear from you.