For your consideration on this World Day of Prayer for Vocations – Faith and Service in the City connects high school students to Catholic and Vincentian Leadership traditions in New York City. Explore theology, experience NYC, and grow in faith and leadership!

Faith and Service in the City, a week-long residential program at SJU’s Queens campus, is an exciting and unique program for high school sophomores and juniors. Expert faculty members and administrators from the Department of Theology and Religious Studies and Campus Ministry lead this program, which focuses on Catholic Social Teaching and social justice action through an exploration of theology and participation in activities throughout New York City.

The program immerses students in the tradition of St. Vincent de Paul and the Vincentian Fathers and Daughters of Charity, who have cared for the poor and marginalized throughout the world for almost 400 years. Students will have opportunities to develop and lead prayer and social activities throughout each week-long session, honing their leadership skills. The program also offers them the chance to reflect on what gives them meaning in their lives.

As participants in the program, students will engage in classroom interaction and experiences that explore Catholic teaching, the tradition of St. Vincent de Paul, and the Vincentian community. They’ll connect to the rich religious roots of Catholicism, and the religious experience of immigrants in New York City. They’ll also participate in service activities that put faith into practice and learn to become Christian leaders who serve others.

Download the application to apply now. Recommended application date:  April 15, 2017, but applications will continue to be accepted as space permits.

Faith and Service in the City is funded by a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment. For more information, please contact Joann Heaney-Hunter, Ph.D., at

Session Dates

The dates for the four week-long sessions in summer 2017 are:

  1. Sunday, July 9 – Saturday, July 15
  2. Sunday, July 23 – Saturday, July 29
  3. Sunday, July 30 – Saturday, August 5
  4. Sunday, August 6 – Saturday, August 12


The program is open to young people who will be high school sophomores and juniors in the fall 2017. If there is space available in the program, entering high school seniors will also be considered.


The cost for each week-long session is $495, which includes all academic and service experiences, room, meals, and transportation to activities throughout the week. Limited scholarship assistance is available.

Source: SJU website