About the Series 

St. Vincent de Paul encouraged five particular traits in his comrades: simplicity, meekness, mortification, humility and zeal. Come discover the stories of these virtues and how they are alive in the daily experiences of those around us. Throughout the 40 days of Lent, a new story will be posted daily. See how the everyday practices of being honest, approachable, self-disciplined, realistic and hardworking, in the spirit of St. Vincent, can transform your own life and the lives of others.

Can You Imagine That!

Can You Imagine That!

On this feast of Vincent De Paul, we can be thankful Vincent never stopped dreaming… and working1

St. VIncent imagined a world very different from the world he lived in.
He imagined a world that could be … and asked what can I do.

Nobody Wants To Do the Dishes!

Nobody Wants To Do the Dishes!

But someone has to do the dishes!

“Everybody wants a revolution, but nobody wants to do the dishes.”

This Mindwalk is a reflection on a saying attributed to a contemporary change agent – Shane Claiborne

What Did Jesus Did Not Have?

What Did Jesus Did Not Have?

Everyone has an idea of what the Catholic Church needs to appeal to people today!
Maybe we should look back to the ”Good News” Jesus brought and how he embodied God’s word.
Did Jesus leave us a theology text or code of canon law or pastoral plan?

Remember Where You Were on 9/11?

Remember Where You Were on 9/11?

I will never forget the morning of 9/11/2001. Then I wondered “The world will never be the same.”

Today I wonder if we can ever move beyond our deeply angry and polarized world.

Some See More Than Others … Do You?

Some See More Than Others … Do You?

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision”. Powerful words coming from a woman who lost her sight and hearing before her second birthday.
Let’s exp[ore Jesus’ vision.