Month: April 2021

Can You Put Yourself In This Picture?

I am not an Ethiopian at the beginning of a thousand-mile journey. Actually, I am on a lifelong journey of trying to “put on the mind of Christ”, to see things as Jesus, the stranger in my life, sees them.

Forgotten Truths About Women

Gender and religion Some highlights from a recent study of gender gap in world religions… Standard lists of history’s most influential religious leaders tend to be predominantly, if not exclusively, male. Yet it often appears that the ranks of the faithful are...

Building the Church From Scratch

What was it like to build the church from the ground up? What were the challenges faced by those who first built the Church?
Jesus left no rule book or handbook of best practices let alone an organizational flow chart.

This Couple Influenced the Early Church

“In the letter to the Romans Paul states that all the Gentile communities are indebted to this married couple (Rom 16:4). It is hard to find higher praise than that.” Robert Maloney CM

The Courage To Accept a New Way of Thinking

What is it like to look at the facts from the perspective of a Jewish believer, or even a Gentile who believed in many deities? From this perspective, I see how much courage it took to accept a new way of thinking.

Direction matters

The Acts of the Apostles show the community struggling to understand and make sense of their experiences.

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  1. Rom 16, 13 reads: "Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord; and greet his mother—a mother to me also." If this…

  2. Generally, I love the laconic nature of Mark's Gospel. The Passion narrative is very compelling in its starkness, with one…