“That’s a Wrap”! Our language is changing so frequently these days. I am not always clear if phrases carry the same meaning.  

In the not-so-distant past, “It’s a wrap’ were words meant to tell a camera crew that filming a scene for a movie or perhaps an online video was concluded..

Here I am borrowing the phrase to signal the closing days of 2022. Can you believe Christmas has come and gone! All that remains are the closing hours to New Year’s Eve.

Often we begin a New Year by looking ahead and bravely (foolishly?) making New Year’s Resolutions.

But I wonder if what we call resolutions are, in reality, daydreams destined to distract from our present situation. They merely promise momentary relief as we look to the future.

In this Vincentian Mindwalk I would like to use key insights of Cory Mansfield and Staff to put a wrap on 2022.  Their words help me think more clearly and effectively about my future in 2023.

Before wrapping up 2022 …

They wrote a piece that caught my eye. “Looking Back for a Clearer View of the Future.

Their simple words suggest investing a bit of time in one’s self by reflecting on the following before putting a wrap on 2022.

  • Celebrate your wins
  • Learn from your missteps
  • Remember God’s faithfulness
  • Thank God for His goodness

They believe if you do, you will set yourself up “for a love filled, joy filled, peace filled, patience filled, kindness filled, goodness filled, faithfulness filled, gentleness filled, and self-controlled new year!”

At the very least…

“Reviewing our past year will help us to remember at least momentarily all that God has done and is doing.

Forgive me for stating the obvious, but time is moving forward, and it is not slowing down.

Time is our most precious commodity.

We have to take advantage of every moment God gives us.

Each moment we have is a gift from God.

These gifts turn into precious memories that can easily be forgotten unless we take the time to think about them and remember.

Jesus started us on the path of remembering when he said, “Do this in memory of me!”

Did we remember to…

Celebrate our wins

Parents remember and celebrate the major achievements of their children. They genuinely rejoice with the children. They also know that these celebrations encourage the child to aim higher.

Learn from our missteps

Loving parents take the time to help a child learn from their mistakes. When a child learns from mistakes they turn a mistake into an opportunity for growth.

Remember God’s faithfulness

On the night before he died, Jesus washed not just the feet of the apostles! He also washed our feet. Then Jesus asked us to remember… and “do this in memory of me

Thank God for His goodness

When we remember God asks us to “pay it forward” we set ourselves up for

“a love filled, joy filled, peace filled, patience filled, kindness filled, goodness filled, faithfulness filled, gentleness filled, and self-controlled new year!”

Nobody, not even God, can do this for us!

They conclude with

“So let me encourage you to take the time these next few days to review this past year and celebrate all that God has done and is doing in your life and the life of your church. I hope that by remembering God’s goodness and faithfulness, you will have the confidence and the faith to run with endurance the race that God has set before you (Hebrews 12:1).”

Are you ready?