Deidre Noonan writes: Fr. John Freund has shared his mindwalks over the years. His request is that we, if we wish, share our reflections. Here is my attempt. I would love to read what is on your mind too.

He gets us.

If you saw the Superbowl last week, you may have noticed, there were commercials that said He Gets Us.

The “He Gets Us” from last year they focused on

“Love Your Enemies.” That commercial was all about Hate and Division. Ultimately, it was about pride. Pride says, “I’m right, and you’re wrong.” Every image depicted people in a state of prideful contention, whether it be politicians yelling in a debate or parents fighting at a youth football game.

When these spots hit the air, many said: “How much did each of those ads cost, couldn’t the money be used to feed the poor, house the homeless?”

What message are “these” people trying to send?

This year many were asking the same questions.

But what hits me is the message and that people heard the message. When my family sat down for breakfast Sunday morning, we discussed the homily, it was about being good to each other. My son said, “It is just like the “He Gets Us” ads from last week.”

I was glad that these spots reached my son and, hopefully, they were heard by everyone who watched the Superbowl.

I wanted to know more, and after a quick search, I found the main site: He Gets Us. There were three main themes this year, foot washing, loving your neighbor, and who is your neighbor.

This year He Gets Us decided to

focus on the thematic inverse of last year’s commercial — one built on the premise of Love and Unity. And with an upcoming election year that will be filled with division and derision, we decided to focus on one of the most important directives given by Jesus — Love Your Neighbor.

Jesus washed the feet of his followers – this included Peter, who would deny him, and Judas, who would betray him for thirty peices of silver. Jesus knelt before each of those present and washed their feet.

Foot washing is a image that is strange in today’s world but as the developers of the spots suggest

Figurative foot washing can be as simple as giving a compliment to a co-worker or paying for a stranger’s lunch. It can also be as difficult as not responding to someone who’s criticizing you or reaching out to an estranged family member. Acts of kindness done out of humility and respect for another person could be considered the equivalent of foot washing.

During this Lent how can we wash the feet of those around us?

  • Can we humble ourselves in the service of others?
  • Or harder can we accept someone who wants to wash our feet?
  • What are the ways you wash the feet of others?