Fr. Miles Heinen writes of an opportunity of a matching grant to support the works of the Congregation of the Mission.

Join in the move to increase our solidarity across provincial borders and get the good news to the poor!

Click on the link to the VSO March Bulletin (or paste it into your browser) and learn more about the Patrimony Fund Project, also known as the Vincentian Endowment Challenge.

If just 650 confreres, working with their friends and family, join in the challenge and produce $1,000 each in 2013, 2014 and 2015…we’ve done it!

Thanks for all you do!

In St. Vincent,

Fr. Miles Heinen, C.M.
Executive Director
Vincentian Solidarity Office
500 E Chelten Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19144-1203
+1 215 713 2432
+1 215 843 9361 fax