Mindwalk: Latest posts and thoughts…

Missing the Point!

Been in a conversation where someone missed your point? I certainly have.  Also, more times than I care to admit, I have been the one who missed the point.

Unfortunately, the more the conversation touches our lives the more heated the conversation becomes… especially when come to what it means to be followers of Christ

Can You Imagine That!

On this feast of Vincent De Paul, we can be thankful Vincent never stopped dreaming… and working1

St. VIncent imagined a world very different from the world he lived in.
He imagined a world that could be … and asked what can I do.

Know Any Relationships Not Going Anywhere?

St. Vincent and Louise got off to a rocky start. Yet their collaboration produced transformational results that echo today. What can we learn from them?

Missing the Point!

Missing the Point!

Been in a conversation where someone missed your point? I certainly have.  Also, more times than I care to admit, I have been the one who missed the point.

Unfortunately, the more the conversation touches our lives the more heated the conversation becomes… especially when come to what it means to be followers of Christ

Can You Imagine That!

Can You Imagine That!

On this feast of Vincent De Paul, we can be thankful Vincent never stopped dreaming… and working1

St. VIncent imagined a world very different from the world he lived in.
He imagined a world that could be … and asked what can I do.

What I Learned in the ER

What I Learned in the ER

How many times have you been in an Emergency Room? No matter how many times, you still might say it was too many!
In this Vincentian Mindwalk let me share what I learned about the difference between hearing sounds and listening in an ER.

“I Forgot To Wear My Hearing Aids”

“I Forgot To Wear My Hearing Aids”

This morning’s Vincentian Mindwalk picks from the previous reflection Do Your Spiritual Hearing Aids Need Cleaning?.
We can have fully functioning hearing aids but if we have not put them on we miss the point. We only hear what we expect to hear.

When Talk Doesn’t Run Cheap!

When Talk Doesn’t Run Cheap!

I must admit I was both surprised and not surprised by the controversy over Jesus’ cameo appearance at the Super Bowl. I knew it was coming. But I did not know the exact time. In this Vincentian Mindwalk I explore my reaction.

What makes Catholic marriages different?

What makes Catholic marriages different?

I wonder how many people in Catholic marriages are aware of National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, Feb. 12). It would be interesting to know how many parishes have planned anything to celebrate this week. But the most interesting question...