Mindwalk: Latest posts and thoughts…

Easter People in a Good Friday/Holy Saturday World?

A great theologian, Johannes Hoffinger, asked: “if we are Easter People, why do we so often look like people in need of an aspirin?” Can we learn to recognize our experiences of the resurrected Jesus today.

Holy Week: What Would You Do?

A Mindwalk from Deidre Noonan As Holy Week begins, on Palm Sunday, we hear the first version of the Passion.  Have you really read it?  Have you placed yourself in each character? What would you do? The Anointing As Jesus is reclining at the table, in the house...


Deirdre Noonan writes: Each Sunday my family has a ritual. We go to mass, come home, my 19 year old son makes us breakfast and we talk, usually about whatever the homily was about. Recently, the gospel was the story of the transfiguration.

He Gets Us

He Gets Us

Deidre Noonan writes: Fr. John Freund has shared his mindwalks over the years. His request is that we, if we wish, share our reflections. Here is my attempt. I would love to read what is on your mind too. He gets us. If you saw the Superbowl last week, you may have...



Beth Nicol here filling in for Fr. John who is taking a brief Thanksgiving break with plans to return to Mindwalk next week. During his small break, I offer the following reflection: On Thanksgiving Day 2008 I opened my email to find a note from my husband’s youngest...

Will You Be Traveling For the Holidays?

For many of my years, “Home for the Holidays” was in the back of most people’s minds come Thanksgiving and Christmas. For younger generations, it meant a trip to ancestral homes. It could be Mom and Dad’s House, while for others, Grandma and Grandpa’s. For older...

Have Catholics Seen Such Polarization Before?

Have Catholics Seen Such Polarization Before?

There is so much polarization in our world today. And it is not just political.

Polarization is on full display at all levels of the Church today… hierarchy, clergy, laity, vowed religious.

Is this the first time in history that the Church has been so divided?

Certainly not!

Changing Our Clocks, Fast-forwards and Do-overs

Changing Our Clocks, Fast-forwards and Do-overs

Fall behind – spring ahead!

What if we could “replay” what we lost in our lives. Of course, we don’t get to replay the hours we lost.

Nor do we get to skip ahead and see our futures as we change clocks.

Can changing of clocks as a metaphor for our lives?

What’s Your Way of Handling Conflict?

What’s Your Way of Handling Conflict?

A simple fact of life. We don’t always agree… especially on things that are important to us.

A painful fact of life. Disagreements and conflicts can get out of hand.

But, there is another fact of life.

We can and should learn from disagreements.