Freundian Clips
John Freund, Just because...Freundian Clips
Recent Posts
- Easter People in a Good Friday/Holy Saturday World?
- Holy Week: What Would You Do?
- Transfigured
- Lent: a Campaign of Christian Service?
- He Gets Us
- Connecting Dots: Lent, Valentine’s Day, and Systemic Change
- Why Am I a Vincentian Priest?
- Did Jesus Contradict Himself?
- Why Did I Create Mindwalk?
- How What I Dreaded Became a Source of Life
Have Catholics Seen Such Polarization Before?
There is so much polarization in our world today. And it is not just political.
Polarization is on full display at all levels of the Church today… hierarchy, clergy, laity, vowed religious.
Is this the first time in history that the Church has been so divided?
Certainly not!
Changing Our Clocks, Fast-forwards and Do-overs
Fall behind – spring ahead!
What if we could “replay” what we lost in our lives. Of course, we don’t get to replay the hours we lost.
Nor do we get to skip ahead and see our futures as we change clocks.
Can changing of clocks as a metaphor for our lives?
What’s Your Way of Handling Conflict?
A simple fact of life. We don’t always agree… especially on things that are important to us.
A painful fact of life. Disagreements and conflicts can get out of hand.
But, there is another fact of life.
We can and should learn from disagreements.
Unfinished Family Business?
Have you had someone close to you die with whom you had unfinished business?
We are left saying: “If only there were another chance!”
Well there is!
How Are You At Predictions?
A stopped clock is right at least twice a day.
I hope my track record for predictions is a bit better than that.
Here I revisit 3 predictions I made some two years ago.
Real or Fake – Spotting the Difference
Sometimes, it is very difficult to spot the difference between the “real thing” or an imitation.
Let’s explore different understandings of imitating Christ.
Hearts on Fire – Feet on the Move!
Pope Francis sees mission as a way of speaking about the road BACK from Emmaus to Jerusalem with “hearts on fire and feet on the move.”
Star Wars, the Nones, and the Good News
Is there any connection with the Star Wars phenomenon, the Nones, and Good News today?
Serving Others In a Digital World
RIp van Winkle slept though the American Revolution. Are members of the Vincentian Family aware of a new form of poverty – access to a digital world? What must be done?
Shocking document bishops signed in the Catacombs 60 years ago
Pope St. John XXIII certainly had expectations of Vatican II!
Saint John XXIII convened it hoping that it would lead to the Church becoming “the Church of all, and particularly the Church of the poor”