shrine stepsAmerica magazine has an interesting list of 10 things for the Pope to do in Philly. And it throws in a bit of cultural crash in how to speak.

“Your Holiness, we know that English is not your first language. But great news: It may not seem that way for some Philadelphians either! During your first trip, you’ll need to learn a few key, Catholic-related phrases, spoken in our Philly dialect. (By the way, don’t listen to all those movies where Philadelphians unaccountably speak like New Yorkers.  We don’t. )  To begin with, the wet stuff into which you’re dipping your fingers is “holy wooder.” The most appropriate response to God’s activity in our lives is “grat-ee-tude.” And Philly is your new “hewm.” And while you’re here, of course, you’ll be the “Pewp.””

But the Philly boy missed including a visit to The Shrine!

Be sure to visit the America magazine article!