Father James J. Maher, C.M., is participating in an 8K race on Thanksgiving Day to raise money for the YMCA and Heart, Love and Soul.
Father Maher To Spend Thanksgiving Morning ‘Trotting’ For Local Charities
Father James J. Maher, C.M., is once again lacing up his running shoes to raise money for local charities.
This Thanksgiving (Nov. 27), Niagara University’s president will participate in the 119th annual YMCA Turkey Trot in downtown Buffalo, which generates proceeds for local YMCA programs and services.
In addition, Father Maher is soliciting donations in support of his 8K (approximately 5-mile) run that will benefit Niagara Falls’ Heart, Love and Soul food pantry and dining room.
This past April, Father Maher instituted – and participated in – a 5K “Run Against Hunger” on Niagara University’s campus. More than $1,600 was raised for Heart, Love and Soul.
Father Maher, who has completed 11 New York City marathons, also became the first university president in the Western Region to participate in the Law Enforcement Torch Run when he ran six miles with the “Flame of Hope” in June.
The YMCA Turkey Trot is billed as North America’s oldest consecutively run footrace, dating back to 1896.Registration for the race is capped at 14,000 runners.
Since 1982, Heart, Love and Soul has served as an oasis of help for thousands of residents of Western New York, especially Niagara Falls. It is a dining room, a food pantry, and a center for health assistance and social services for individuals experiencing difficult economic situations.
Donations to Father Maher’s run can be made online at www.niagara.edu/turkeytrot or via check or money order payable to Father’s Turkey Trot Run, c/o Niagara University, P.O. Box 2039, Niagara University, NY 14109
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