Shortly after 9 a.m. Fr. JOHN HODNETT CM, 83 died. Four hours later Fr. WALTER MENIG CM, 97.
Requiescat in pacem!
Funeral details will follow.
Shortly after 9 a.m. Fr. JOHN HODNETT CM, 83 died. Four hours later Fr. WALTER MENIG CM, 97.
Requiescat in pacem!
Funeral details will follow.
I am 68 yrs. old and a graduate of St. John’s Prep, Brooklyn, NY. This is my 50th HS graduation anniversary. I guess I’m doing some reflecting on my life which caused me to come to this website.
While I have no interest in the traditional 50th festivities or celebrations, I would be interested in knowing about my wonderful mentor Fr.( Richard) Prior. He was my Social Studies teacher and mentor. Because of him I found a direction in life. I’m thinking he would be quite old by now or deceased. I put his first name in parenthesis as there were 2 Fr. Priors at St. John’s in those days. He was the teacher.
Is it possible for someone to give me some information on what he did after St. John’s- when he passed if he did, etc? Or perhaps a website or source that can help me would be great.
Thanks so much.
Greg Carey
Good to hear from you. I am wondering if you mean Robert Prior. If so he currently lives here in Saint Catherine’s Infirmary on the grounds of the Motherhouse of the Eastern Province in Philadelphia. John Freund ’55.