Fr. Michael Carrol recent shared this summary of extensive collaboration of the Eastern Province with the worldwide Congregation.
He writes…I would like to offer some further thoughts on Vincentian Collaboration and highlight just one current way that we as a province collaborate with the Congregation. My area of focus is the sharing of personnel.
Certainly first among them is Greg Gay himself in his service as General but even prior to that as Provincial of Central America. Bob Maloney in his many years of service to the General Curia and even now in the work that he has done for the International Congregation since leaving office. John Prager as Provincial and Director of the Daughters of Charity of Ecuador.
Confreres supporting the General Curia in various roles are: Carl Pieber as Sub-Director of the International Association of the Miraculous Medal; Joe Foley for many years now as NGO representative to the United Nations for the Congregation; John Freund as Director of FAMVIN and much more; Joe Agostino as Director of the Vincentian Family Collaborative Commission in Haiti, Chair of the Committee for the General Assembly, and service to provinces throughout the world in planning projects. Don Harrington serves as an advisor to Greg Gay and Miles Heinen in Development. Charlie Plock renders service to the entire Vincentian Family as a translator. Countless confreres from the Province also offer their services as translators at many events offered by the Vincentian Family.
In the International Missions, we have Aidan Rooney, Steve Cantwell, and Tom Sendlein.
Tom McKenna serves as Director of the Daughters of Charity in the Province of St. Louise in St. Louis.
Dennis Holtschneider serves the Province of the West in his role as President of DePaul University. Our confreres at St. John’s University have assisted countless International confreres with the Eastern Province Scholarship Fund and in learning English.
We are blessed that we can share this valuable resource of personnel and collaborate with the Congregation throughout the world.
I look forward to sharing with you other ways that the Province collaborates with the International Congregation.
Fr. Carroll:
I am approaching you because one of the other hats you wear is that of Trustee at St. John’s. I heard yesterday that there has been some significant movement this year to reduce the core requirements in Philosophy and Theology to 2 courses apiece rather than three. I would be happy to speak about the issue for a few minutes to the Board, and answer questions, if you wish. (before any vote is taken there would seem preferable). But I don’t know how such things are arranged. My office phone is 718-390-4574. Office hours M11:30-1:30 and T 2:30-3:30. e-mail:
Mark Kiley