
Vincent’s perspective…

“Zeal is made up of a genuine desire to please God and to be useful to others:  zeal for extending God’s kingdom, zeal for achieving others’ salvation.”

From Praying with Vincent de Paul     Thomas McKenna

  • How does your life reflect your passion and love for life in Christ?
  • “Zeal adjusts, finding new ways and developing professionally, especially through on-going formation.” (The Way of St. Vincent, Robert Maloney)
    What have you done for your own on-going formation?

Some signs of growth

  • Is enthusiastic and passionate about his life and work
  • Maintains a balanced but full schedule – works hard
  • Has pastoral initiative and creativity
  • Is hopeful and positive about the possibilities of the Kingdom of God
  • It is obvious to others that he loves what he is doing
  • Sees ongoing formation as a means of learning new and more effective ways of serving the poor

Some signs for need growth

  • Is apathetic and lazy
  • Has lost hope in the possibilities of Evangelization and the in-breaking of the Kingdom of God
  • Is “nesting” – does the minimum
  • Is pessimistic
  • Does not take creative initiative
  • Is bored with the mission

Emmet Nolan, cm

And now… the whole picture…

Five virtues