Jeremy Dixon continues his chronicles…
We returned to Cortelyou Commons, our regular meeting space, this morning. Thanks to Fr. Dennis Holtschneider and DePaul, the problem with the generator was fixed during the night. Hogwarts, you ask? Yesterday, when saying where we would be meeting, a confrere noted that we were not going back to “the Harry Potter building.” Although it bears a resemblance, I must say that the paintings of the former DePaul presidents do not speak. [Ed. – Hogwarts is the fictional British school from the Harry Potter novels.]
After prayer, we watched a video about the life of a seminarian in Madagascar. An interesting note is that videos of young Vincentians will be shown throughout the assembly, each saying what are their dreams for the Congregation and the General Assembly. We heard the other day from two Polish seminarians, Daniel Frac and Piotr Mackowiak.
…Joe Geders, the treasurer general, then spoke about the finances and investments of the Congregation. Of particular note are our investments in socially responsible and renewable energy companies (“social impact investments”). . … (He) made a second presentation about the resources of the Congregation and solidarity.
In the afternoon, group meetings were held with each conference of visitors (groups by region) to discuss solidarity in greater depth. Tomorrow are more reports on mission and the Vincentian Family, as well as a straw ballot for the election of the Superior General.
See the full chronicle as the official Assembly site.
Fr. John Freund,CM…
When I arose this morning,I felt inspired to pray for you and for your continued strength. I did so.
I’m boasting about God’s loving power to remind me.
Richest Blessings Upon You,Father Greg and all of your Confreres…
Ed Ambrose
(An Octogenarian By God’s Grace)..AA,St. Joe’s…1957