greggayEastern Province Provincial update on the return of former General to the Eastern Province..
May the peace of Christ be with all of us!

Mike Carroll LeftIn a recent conversation with Greg Gay, he informed me that he will be returning to the Eastern Province.  We are so happy with the decision he has made and I join all of you in welcoming him back to our Province.

On August 15th, he will begin his Sabbatical at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio.  He will be participating in a program, “Ministry to Ministers”. This program will end aroundDecember 20th.

Greg will then continue his Sabbatical for an additional six months at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Charlotte with Vince Finnerty.

Again, we welcome Greg home and asks his prayers for us as we will pray for him during his Sabbatical.

Mike Carroll, CM,