Fr. Tomaž Mavrič CM speaks of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal – Missionary Virgin.
We prepared for the celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal with a novena. These nine days helped us focus our heart on Mary, to think of her, her person and mission. The better prepared we are for the celebration, the more spiritual fruits we will receive.
One characteristic that describes Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in a special way is that she is a MISSIONARY VIRGIN. I witnessed this reality in my years as a missionary in the Vice-Province of Saints Cyril and Methodius of which three countries are part: Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.
The Association of the Miraculous Medal has been expanding in Ukraine and in the last two years it began in Russia. It is now taking its first steps in Belarus. However, the journey of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in this part of the world did not begin solely with the development of the Association of the Miraculous Medal, but much earlier, during the period of the Soviet Union and, even before that, the Virgin visited thousands and thousands of people through missionaries to whom she brought comfort and spiritual and corporal support.
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal has a special feature. She has a gift received from Jesus that characterizes her. Mary is sent through Jesus to all of humanity, to each one of us. Mary is sent by Jesus on a world mission that will conclude at the end of time. Mary, in every sense of the word, is a MISSIONARY!
Jesus, entrusting to his Mother Mary the role of missionary, gave her the gift of “opening the doors” of hearts that are totally closed to any dialogue, support, closeness to Jesus, to his grace; hearts wounded by the agony of inner or physical pain that in their lives could find no way out; cold hearts in relation to all that is spiritual with brothers and sisters in need. Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, having this gift of “opening doors,” has, more than anyone, the possibility of reaching hearts in all corners of the world to which no other person has access. Countless examples show this reality.
To take the Miraculous Medal with you, to offer it to other people who receive it and trust in its intercession, is to accept your role as a missionary, who visits them in the name of Jesus to help, support, guide, convert and heal. In this way, we help the Virgin to reach the hearts of people, opening doors of which only she knows the keys.
What joy and strength it gives us to know that we are privileged to have this legacy for the world. The Vincentian Family is called to participate in the mission of Jesus because we have in Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal our principal collaborator and our support, our guide, our missionary model.
Let us carry the Miraculous Medal always with us so that we are never separated from it.
Let us trust in her help.
Let us trust in her role as a missionary.
Let us confide infinitely in her maternal, unconditional love for all of us.
Tomaž Mavrič CM
Superior General
Am trying to get in contact with Fr george weber who was my pastor at St louise De Marilac in Arabi, LA
Pat walsh
I suggest you contact the Provincial Offices via