A thank you to Brother Carmen

A personal reflection as Editor of cmeast.org… but one that I suspect will resonate with the readers of the Vincentian Digest and Notebook.
I have heard many people share how moved they were when they received your announcement of failing health. While it may have been a surprise to many, it was not a surprise to those of us who live with you. We have watched your struggles as the first symptoms led you to seek medical evaluation.
During this time you have been a source of edification for us. Quietly, as always, you continued your work of some 15 years.Your work with the Digest and Notebook has been a Tuesday staple to a growing number of people.
You have brought us updates on what is happening in our corner of the Vincentian world.
You have brought us together with our requests for prayers, your reminders of deaths and birthdays – and even made it so easy to wish one another Happy Birthday.
You have brought us some light moments with your jokes, trivia and, of course, WIlly’s cartoons.
And when you came to your decision to let go of what I know was a labor of love for, you were very generous with your time and strength in showing Heather and me the technical inner workings of the newsletters.
I pray, as all who are grateful to you pray, that the intercession of St. Vincent and all our Vincentian Family saints will restore your health and allow you to resume your ministry.
From all of us who have benefitted from your ministry.