Looking backward and forward with Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor

Beginning a new year is a chance to take stock of our following of Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor and consider how we can continue to develop next year.

Looking Backwards

1. In which areas of walking the way of Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor have I grown most in 2017?

2. In my following Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor which areas of growth disappointed me?

3. What did I learn about Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor in 2017?

4. What did I learn about Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor from other branches of the Vincentian Family?

5. Who has most helped me most understand Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor?

6. Who do I think might have seen me as Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor?

Looking Forwards

7. In which area of my following Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor would I most like to grow in 2018?

8. What’s one trait of Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor do I  want to devote more time to in 2018?

9. What can I do to become more aware of Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor?

10. How can learn more about and from and in other branches of the Vincentian Family?

11. Who can I look to help me understand Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor?

12. How will live out your commitment be a follower of Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor in a practical way?

But let’s remember that it’s not about our own efforts but about trusting God to lead us where he wants us to go.


Why not share here who has modeled Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor for you?

[This is a Vincentian adaptation of a post 12 Questions to Ask Yourself in the New Year]