FamVin offers perspective on the impact of the Eastern Province  of the Congregation of the Mission

This week marks two anniversaries for the Congregation of the Mission: April 16 was the day that Bishop John Timon, CM, first bishop of Buffalo, New York died, and April 17 is the foundation date of the first establishment of the Congregation of the Mission, Bons Enfants, Paris.

There are several parallels between the situation of Bishop Timon and that of St. Vincent at the time of the foundation of the Congregation of the Mission. Both men read the signs of their times and acted accordingly, planting seeds that would uplift people both economically and spiritually.

They both found themselves in a new assignment and location
They saw that many of the poor were not being ministered to
They both evangelized and administered sacraments to large numbers of people
They were both good with finances and “politics” (in a good sense– dialogue and knowing how to get things done in their spheres of influence)

Read more about Bishop Timon here…

Life and Legacy of John Timon, C.M., First Bishop of Buffalo, New York

…and about St. Vincent and the first establishment of the Congregation of the Mission, in the SlideShare presentation below.

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