Come! Follow me in my mission of bringing good news especially to those on the margins!

Some might be surprised to learn that at 82, i walk over two miles with the help of two canes for purposes of balance and safety. 

I certainly am not yet in the same league as the former soldier who recently became a British hero at 100. He committed himself to walk the 82-foot length of his garden back and forth 100 times using his walker for support. To his surprise, he raised over a million dollars to support the chronically under-funded British National Health system!

The two-plus FitBit miles I walk take about an hour over the course of the day. It is distraction-free for the most part. I can tell you about every change in the pattern of the rug. Of course, my cardiologist and physical therapist are quite happy with the difference it has made in my life.

What do I think about?   

On the eve of Vocation Sunday I find myself thinking about what led people to drop the nets of their daily lives to follow this Jesus.  What inner urge led them to hang around  Jesus.  Of course, the corollary to that question is… what caused so many people to hang around with Vincent and Louise.    

My hunch is that people of goodwill were attracted by their way of looking at things and how they commited themselves to it. They must have liked being in their company along with many other like-minded people. Jesus, Vincent and louise were the best

What is your hunch?

What does that mean as we celebrate Vocation Sunday?

How can our lives attract peopole to Jesus’ earthly mission to bring good news to the poor.

Thanks for sharing your mindwalk with us.