Bishop Varghese, a former member of the Congregation’s Curia, offered the following homily at the beginning of a day of recollection prior to the election of the Superior General and Assistants.
XIV Sunday in Ordinary Time: Lk. 10:1-12, 17-20: The Missionary mandate of all Christians.
… The missionary does not go as a conqueror, but as a humble servant. So the attitude of a servant is expected from a missionary. This is very much in tune with the mind of St. Vincent.
- Simple life-style
- They are to be bearers of peace
- Contentment is another virtue required of a disciple
- Show concern for the needy and proclaim the Kingdom
- Even if rejected, they are to continue the proclamation
- They are not to be overenthusiastic with success
Today, the 3rd of July, we are celebrating the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle one of the first missionaries of the Church sent by Jesus himself.
A closer look at the events makes us understand that it was the ardent desire of Thomas to experience the Risen Lord. “
We also find the apostolic zeal of a missionary in St. Thomas: “Let us go and die with him!”
First conference when available
Second conference when available
Rom 16, 13 reads: "Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord; and greet his mother—a mother to me also." If this…
Have a blessed Holy Week!
I have never thought about the people that were named in the Gospels. I would agree that they may be…
Generally, I love the laconic nature of Mark's Gospel. The Passion narrative is very compelling in its starkness, with one…
Father John, Blessings to you as you step cautiously down that new path. Grace and Peace be with you!