Vincent’s perspective…
“Zeal is made up of a genuine desire to please God and to be useful to others: zeal for extending God’s kingdom, zeal for achieving others’ salvation.”
From Praying with Vincent de Paul Thomas McKenna
- How does your life reflect your passion and love for life in Christ?
- “Zeal adjusts, finding new ways and developing professionally, especially through on-going formation.” (The Way of St. Vincent, Robert Maloney)
What have you done for your own on-going formation?
Some signs of growth
- Is enthusiastic and passionate about his life and work
- Maintains a balanced but full schedule – works hard
- Has pastoral initiative and creativity
- Is hopeful and positive about the possibilities of the Kingdom of God
- It is obvious to others that he loves what he is doing
- Sees ongoing formation as a means of learning new and more effective ways of serving the poor
Some signs for need growth
- Is apathetic and lazy
- Has lost hope in the possibilities of Evangelization and the in-breaking of the Kingdom of God
- Is “nesting” – does the minimum
- Is pessimistic
- Does not take creative initiative
- Is bored with the mission
Emmet Nolan, cm
And now… the whole picture…
Rom 16, 13 reads: "Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord; and greet his mother—a mother to me also." If this…
Have a blessed Holy Week!
I have never thought about the people that were named in the Gospels. I would agree that they may be…
Generally, I love the laconic nature of Mark's Gospel. The Passion narrative is very compelling in its starkness, with one…
Father John, Blessings to you as you step cautiously down that new path. Grace and Peace be with you!