A great theologian, Johannes Hoffinger, asked: “if we are Easter People, why do we so often look like people in need of an aspirin?” Can we learn to recognize our experiences of the resurrected Jesus today.

A great theologian, Johannes Hoffinger, asked: “if we are Easter People, why do we so often look like people in need of an aspirin?” Can we learn to recognize our experiences of the resurrected Jesus today.
A Mindwalk from Deidre Noonan As Holy Week begins, on Palm Sunday, we hear the first version of the Passion. Have you really read it? Have you placed yourself in each character? What would you do? The Anointing As Jesus is reclining at the table, in the house...
Deirdre Noonan writes: Each Sunday my family has a ritual. We go to mass, come home, my 19 year old son makes us breakfast and we talk, usually about whatever the homily was about. Recently, the gospel was the story of the transfiguration.
I had never considered Lent as a season of service. We traditionally think of Lent as prayer, fasting and almsgiving. How does this work as a campaign (project?) of service?
Deidre Noonan writes: Fr. John Freund has shared his mindwalks over the years. His request is that we, if we wish, share our reflections. Here is my attempt. I would love to read what is on your mind too. He gets us. If you saw the Superbowl last week, you may have...
At first glance, it may seem like quite a stretch to connect Ash Wednesday, Valentine’s Day and Systemic Change. But hear me out. Actually, it is not that hard.
Whatever the language, there is the vision and culture that calls me and supports me in my life as a Vincentian priest. These five values bind us together as followers of Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor and a band of brothers.
The editors of Commonweal caught my attention! The editorial titled “Advemt in a Time of War” I had never thought the impllications of the following…
I wanted to welcome you to my parlor or kitchen table... whichever you prefer. Either hopefully conveys a space where people feel comfortable in talking with friends that matter, about things that matter. I chose the title Mindwalk because it was a way of capturing...
It was a moment I think most of us dreaded. In the later stages of formation some 60 years ago I remember hearing the words “Mr. Freund please”. The words came from the Superior’s bench in both the Novitiate and the Major Seminary. Whoever was called had to...
Is God tired of us waiting for us among the poor?
What ever happened to Advent?
We speak of Christ as King.
Do our lives show it?