Is there any connection with the Star Wars phenomenon, the Nones, and Good News today?
Mindwalk: Latest posts and thoughts…
Serving Others In a Digital World
RIp van Winkle slept though the American Revolution. Are members of the Vincentian Family aware of a new form of poverty – access to a digital world? What must be done?
Shocking document bishops signed in the Catacombs 60 years ago
Pope St. John XXIII certainly had expectations of Vatican II!
Saint John XXIII convened it hoping that it would lead to the Church becoming “the Church of all, and particularly the Church of the poor”
I Thought My Mom Knew Everything
I thought my Mom knew everything. I never thought to wonder how she knew so much.
what can we learn from Mary, Our Mother.
Surprised By Vincentian Elements at the Coronation!
I never expected to hear St. Vincent dePaul speaking at the coronation of King Charles III!
Archbishop Justin Welby captured Vincent’s spirit.
He challenged all, from King Charles to all in attendance and, by extension, all who read it to live what we call the Vincentian vision.
Was Jesus an “Either/Or” …or… a “Both/And” Thinker?
Jesus said “Let not your hearts be troubled!” My heart is troubled by the polarization of “either/or” thinking. So I ask was Jesus and “either/or” thinker? Or was he a “both/and thinker?
What Bricklayers can teach us about work… and following Christ
A traveler spotted three men laying bricks. He asked the first man what he was doing. “I’m laying bricks.” The second man said he was “putting up a wall.” The third man was “building a cathedral.” Let’s explore.
Getting Personal About Life Choices
I have no recollection of the initial life choice my parents made in my name. But they set me on a path I still walk 85 years later. It led me to unexpected of a life choice to be a Vincentian.
What’s In a Name? Was Shakespeare Wrong?
In this Mindwalk, I explore what happens when a “special place” receives a new name.
Have a Special Place? Does It Matter?
Do you have a special place that helps you feel a sense of comfort, identity, inspiration… whatever you need at that moment! A place where you are nourished and grow.
What is the largest conversation in the world?
What is the largest and longest conversation in the world?
In 2019, Pope Francis set in motion a three-year conversation among 1.3 billion Catholics.
Eyes on Earth Day – Eyes Closed? Glazed? Wide-open?
What metaphor best describes your attitude toward “Earth Day?’
Eyes blind, glazed, or wide-open?
In this Vincentian Mindwalk, let’s explore the “big picture” Pope Francis sees.
Emmaus – Why Was Jesus Slow Revealing His Resurrection?
Up until now, I never thought about “how” Jesus shared his news with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
I never paid attention to the “how” he shared the good news in each of the appearances after his resurrection.