Whatever the language, there is the vision and culture that calls me and supports me in my life as a Vincentian priest. These five values bind us together as followers of Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor and a band of brothers.
Mindwalk: Latest posts and thoughts…
Did Jesus Contradict Himself?
The editors of Commonweal caught my attention! The editorial titled “Advemt in a Time of War” I had never thought the impllications of the following…
Why Did I Create Mindwalk?
I wanted to welcome you to my parlor or kitchen table... whichever you prefer. Either hopefully conveys a space where people feel comfortable in talking with friends that matter, about things that matter. I chose the title Mindwalk because it was a way of capturing...
Unfinished Family Business?
Have you had someone close to you die with whom you had unfinished business?
We are left saying: “If only there were another chance!”
Well there is!
How Are You At Predictions?
A stopped clock is right at least twice a day.
I hope my track record for predictions is a bit better than that.
Here I revisit 3 predictions I made some two years ago.
Real or Fake – Spotting the Difference
Sometimes, it is very difficult to spot the difference between the “real thing” or an imitation.
Let’s explore different understandings of imitating Christ.
Hearts on Fire – Feet on the Move!
Pope Francis sees mission as a way of speaking about the road BACK from Emmaus to Jerusalem with “hearts on fire and feet on the move.”
Star Wars, the Nones, and the Good News
Is there any connection with the Star Wars phenomenon, the Nones, and Good News today?
Serving Others In a Digital World
RIp van Winkle slept though the American Revolution. Are members of the Vincentian Family aware of a new form of poverty – access to a digital world? What must be done?
Shocking document bishops signed in the Catacombs 60 years ago
Pope St. John XXIII certainly had expectations of Vatican II!
Saint John XXIII convened it hoping that it would lead to the Church becoming “the Church of all, and particularly the Church of the poor”
NATO As No Action – Talk Only
In this Mindwalk, I explore an alternate meaning of the acronym NATO
It involves the story of a pivotal moment in the life of Frederick Ozanam. He was inspired to move from talk to action.
What was your mother’s special recipe?
Mothers often seem to have what seems like a secret recipe or ingredient for preparing a meal.
I wonder whether Vincent had some secret recipe that would account for the momentous changes he brought to the Church and society in 17th-century France.
I suggest it was his ability to imagine and support lay ministry, especially for women.
If Jesus’ Mother Had a Scrapbook
Mothers keep memories! Often in a scrapbook.
What if the mother of Jesus kept a scrapbook? It would be filled with what kept in her heart.
Might the mysteries of the Rosary be a peek at her memories of Jesus?