I Asked the Wrong Question About the Trinity

I Asked the Wrong Question About the Trinity

I never liked preaching on the Trinity. Few priests would place it at the top of their list of topics they like to preach about.

All that changed as I realized I was asking the wrong question about the Trinity.

Walk with me on my journey of discovery.

Mindwalking Keeps Surprising Me

Mindwalking Keeps Surprising Me

For me, ”mindwalking” is always a surprise. It keeps me thinking!

I never know where the surprise is hiding. I rarely end up where I thought I was going.

Today’s surprise was connecting the “mindwalkng” process with what seems to be Pope Francis’ vision for a church that listens to each other and the Holy Spirit.

Are All Your Vacation Pictures Perfect?

Are All Your Vacation Pictures Perfect?

Are all your digital photos perfect. Do you want to edit out some things you did not see when you clicked.
Today, most iPhone users know how to edit out offending content.
Today, do we unconsciously edit out news that does not fit our world-view?