Today we increasingly hear about being “woke.”
In this Vincentian Mindwalk I will try to move beyond any narrow political meanings.
Today we increasingly hear about being “woke.”
In this Vincentian Mindwalk I will try to move beyond any narrow political meanings.
Twenty-five years ago, the Congregation of the Mission engaged in what amounted to a corporate examination of conscience.
I sometimes reread the final document as an examination of conscience.
I was amazed to discover a Vincentian born in 1868 who pioneered a thoroughly Vatican II concept of laity.
His words in 1923 echo today!
On this feast of Vincent De Paul, we can be thankful Vincent never stopped dreaming… and working1
St. VIncent imagined a world very different from the world he lived in.
He imagined a world that could be … and asked what can I do.
St. Vincent and Louise got off to a rocky start. Yet their collaboration produced transformational results that echo today. What can we learn from them?
Who, or what, has transformed your life?
Let’s explore what and who transformed St. Vincent de Paul.
Have you heard the expression “Pray with the bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other”
Let’s explore in this Vincentian Mindwalk.
On October 10, 2020 Carlos became the first millennial to be named “Blessed”, the last step before being proclaimed a Saint. He would be the millennials’ first saint.
But someone has to do the dishes!
“Everybody wants a revolution, but nobody wants to do the dishes.”
This Mindwalk is a reflection on a saying attributed to a contemporary change agent – Shane Claiborne
I will never forget the morning of 9/11/2001. Then I wondered “The world will never be the same.”
Today I wonder if we can ever move beyond our deeply angry and polarized world.
“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision”. Powerful words coming from a woman who lost her sight and hearing before her second birthday.
Let’s exp[ore Jesus’ vision.
Does it feel like interruptions are the story of your life?Have you ever thought of interruptions as being the story of Jesus life? Let’s explore Jesus’ interruptions and what they can teach us.
What does “Labor Day” mean for you?
Might there be a deep meaning of what “labor” means for Christians?